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Tonkean Foundations - Maker Best Practices

While the majority of your time as a new maker is spent learning the features and functionality of the Tonkean platform, it's important to also understand some core concepts and best practices for how to best set up and configure a solution. By gaining some basic understanding of how to architect a solution, how to approach problem-solving in Tonkean, and how to configure connections between systems, you can develop what we call the "maker mindset."

The Maker Mindset

Before diving in and learning about the technology that makes Tonkean so powerful, it's helpful to first understand the philosophy that powers the platform, what we call the "maker mindset."

The maker mindset is a philosophy that makers cultivate as they customize workflows on the platform—a way of seeing and understanding problems that's powered by a certain technical curiosity and belief that there's always a way.

A maker may not know how to write in any particular programming language, but with our no-code builder, they don't have to know; they still understand many of the same high-level concepts as programmers. More than that, they're willing to get their hands dirty. A maker looks at a problem in their organization and thinks "I could probably make something to fix this."

With the maker mindset, you think through a problem or process from different levels, ask a series of questions to help clarify what exactly you're trying to accomplish, and then work backward to figure out the steps to get there.

To start developing a maker mindset, you can ask yourself these questions about your process before you start working hands-on in Tonkean:

  1. At a high level, what am I trying to accomplish? What is my end goal? This is the overall problem you're working to solve. To return to our legal department example from earlier, this might be providing NDA forms to prospective clients to help cut down on the manual work the legal team has to do. Even a simple goal of saving 10 hours per week spent responding to these common requests can snowball into huge efficiency gains.

  2. What information do I need to accomplish my goal? What data or systems do I need access to? Once you know what you're trying to accomplish, you need to determine what data you need. This may be as simple as getting access to an email inbox or as complicated as pulling data together from multiple apps (e.g. pulling content from Salesforce to create a Jira ticket and then notifying a team member of that creation in Slack, etc.). There's no need to detail the connections quite yet—just determine what resources you think you need.

  3. In what order do I need to connect the different apps or systems? How would the process flow from start to finish? You know what information you need and where you need to get that information, and now you need to map out what the flow might look like. It's helpful to figure out where your process can be handled entirely by machines and where you need to keep the people involved. We find that mapping things out with a pencil and paper can be helpful, or even collaborating with your teammates with a whiteboard session. Once you've figured out the overall flow of your solution, you should have a fairly clear idea of what the solution might look like in Tonkean.

  4. Where is my process most likely to break down or run into problems? As a last step before you get hands-on, it's important to outline where the problems are likely to come up. For example, if you're monitoring an email inbox for NDA requests, could you run into a problem where the requester uses terms you're not expecting to ask for an NDA? Natural variations in language and even non-native speakers can phrase things in ways you might not anticipate. Or, on the other end of your flow, will you always pull your NDA form from the same place? Or could that change? Heading off some of these problems in the planning stages can pay huge dividends later.

Maker Best Practices

In addition to developing the mindset of a maker, below are some general tips, strategies, and best practices we recommend you keep in mind as you start to build and customize in Tonkean.

Design Workflows from the Perspective of Your Requesters and Stakeholders

It's easy to focus on our needs, preferences, and goals when creating workflows to automate our internal processes. This is understandable, but it's a common trap many internal, shared services teams like procurement and legal fall into: focusing too much on the ideal process for procurement or legal and not necessarily for the requester/stakeholder. Often, this approach results in processes that are too cumbersome for requesters or other users, which leads to low process adoption and a host of other problems that you're specifically trying to avoid by using Tonkean.

Instead, as you map out your process and how it will work in Tonkean, focus on the journey of each persona who's engaged in your process. This likely includes an internal requester, a reviewer, an internal service provider, and other stakeholders. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What does a great experience look like for this persona?

  • What information and context does this persona have? (For example, "What knowledge does my requester have about the procurement process?")

  • What information does this persona need (or not need)?

With clear answers to these questions, you can tailor the relevant parts of the experience to each persona. This customization can include various things, from creating separate modules to provide a unique view of each item to each persona, or specialized review interfaces for different stakeholders. Regardless of the specific details, it's important to remember that a great experience leads to process adoption—and considering your audience's specific needs is the most powerful tool for creating a great experience.

Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

When creating a new workflow, create the smallest, simplest version of that workflow that accomplishes your goals and then test it. If it tests well, begin to iterate from there, adding the more complex or nice-to-have features you want to include, and testing after every major version.

This strategy is counter to the tendency some teams may have to create their entire process, including all of its complexities, before they begin to test or check for performance. By the time all of that logic is added, testing and troubleshooting become far more challenging. Instead, follow an agile approach by starting with the MVP of your process and building on it from there.

Avoid Monolithic Solutions—Instead, Componentize and Orchestrate

While individual modules are flexible enough to handle complex workflows with various branches of logic, it's helpful, or even necessary, for some processes to use separate, coordinated modules.

Processes that include multiple entry points to the same core workflow commonly separate that process across multiple modules. For example, if your legal team accepts requests for legal documents from email, Slack, and online forms, and processes all these requests using the same core workflow, partitioning off that core workflow in a separate module may be the best way to build the solution.

Similarly, for processes that include a hand-off to a separate business unit for something like review or translation, separating out that part of the workflow using a stand-alone module can make the overall solution much neater and easier to maintain.

Separating a complex workflow into multiple modules has several benefits:

  • Simpler maintenance and upkeep

  • Improved clarity and transparency

  • Fewer dependencies on other aspects of the module logic

  • Reduced duplication of work

In general, if you can separate parts of a complex process, it's worth considering using separate modules to benefit from the decreased maintenance and added simplicity. Additionally, as items move between these related modules, automatically created matched items allow you to maintain visibility and track field changes across the entire process, where relevant.

Separate Business Logic from Data

Whenever possible, separate the business logic in your module from the data being processed by that module. For example, if your workflow involves assigning task owners based on request type, avoid putting those owners' email addresses directly into the module action blocks. Instead, create a simple external spreadsheet that includes owners, email addresses, and request type, and connect that sheet to Tonkean. You can then reference this table to determine who to assign a task to. This setup allows you to easily change assignment rules by updating the spreadsheet, not the module logic—and even users who aren't Tonkean makers can make those changes.

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