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Add Time

AddTime({Time}, {AmountOfTime}, {UnitOfTime},{Timezone})

Adds units of time to a specified date and time, returning a result in Unix time. Timezone is "UTC" by default.

Input: AddTime("1728581670", 3, "Days", "America/New_York")

Result: 1728840870000

The Time is always a date-time field. The Unix timestamp is provided in the example above for demonstration purposes.

Add Work Time


Adds units of time to a specified date based on specified business operation days and hours. Returns results in Unix time. Timezone is "UTC" by default.

This formula is designed for use cases where you need to add time following a specific event (such as the receipt of a support ticket), but only want time to accrue during set business hours. For example, adding 2 days with a start point of Friday afternoon and a standard Mon - Fri workweek results in a timestamp for the same time on Tuesday afternoon.

Set business operating days individually in the provided array.

Input: AddWorkTime("1728663215803", "Days", "09:00", "17:00", "America/New_York",["MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY"])

Result: 1728939600000

The DateInput is always a date-time field. The Unix timestamp is provided in the example above for demonstration purposes.

Array Length

ArrayLength({InputArray}, {Separator})

Returns the number of items in an array for a given input. An optional {Separator} character delineates the items. The default {Separator} is a comma (,).

Input: ArrayLength(“546, Apple, ABC 123”)

Result: 3

Array Sum

ArraySum({InputArray}, {Separator})

Sum of two or more values provided in an array.

Input: ArraySum("1,3,5,7", ",")

Result: 16



Average of the total across the columns. There is no limit to the number of columns that be used in this formula.

Input: Avg(2,4,6)

Result: 4

Convert to Number


Converts a value from any formatted number field into an integer.

Input: ConvertToNumber("10.0")

Result: 10

Date Diff

DateDiff({StartDate}, {EndDate}, {TimeUnit}, {TimeZone})

Difference in time between two dates, in the time unit specified.

Input: DateDiff("13 Mar 2022", "13 Jul 2022", "Hour", "UTC")

Result: 2928

Days Differential

DaysDiff({StartDate}, {EndDate},{ExcludeWeekends}{TimeZone})

Difference in days between two dates in the specified time zone.

Input: DaysDiff("03 April 2022", "03 May 2022", false, "UTC")

Result: 30


{A} / {B}

Product of two values divided by one another.

Input: 26/13

Result: 2


Hour({Date}, {TimeZone})

Returns the hour for a specified time and time zone.

Input: Hour("13 Mar 2022", "America/Phoenix")

Result: 17

Inner Items Count


Returns the count of inner items contained within a root

Input: InnerItemsCount({RootItem})

Result: 3 (the root item had three inner items)

Last Index Of


Returns the last index of {Find} in the {Input} based on the index {n}. If not found, will return -1. If found, it will return the index value from where the match was found.

Input: LastIndexOf("Building is fun","fun",14)

Result: 12


Max({A}, {B}, {C}, ... )

Largest value of all the values across the columns. There is no limit on the number of columns that can be used in this formula.

Input: Max(3, 6, 9)

Result: 9


Min({A}, {B}, {C}, ... )

Smallest value of all the values across the columns. There is no limit on the number of columns that can be used in this formula.

Input: Min(3, 6, 9)

Result: 3


Minute({Date}, {TimeZone})

Returns the minute value of {Date} for the specified {Zone}.

Input: Minute("24/3/2022 10:54:39", "UTC")

Result: 54


Mod({Dividend}, {Divisor})

Returns the remainder after a division operation.

Input: Mod(10, 100)

Result: 10


{A} * {B}

Product of two fields multiplied together.

Input: 3 * 3

Result: 9


{A} ^ {B}

Product of one value to the power of another value.

Input: 2^3

Result: 8



Returns a random number from within a specified range. The starting number and maximum number are included within the range.

Input: Random(1, 20)

Result: 13


Round({A}, {B})

Rounds {A} to a specified number of places {B}.

Input: Round(“40.73832”, 2)

Result: 40.74

Square Root


Square root of a value.

Input: Sqrt(9)

Result: 3

String Length


Returns the length of the input string as a numeral.

Input: Length("Tonkean")

Result: 7

To Timestamp


Returns the Unix time for a specified date.

Input: ToTimestamp("21 Dec 2021")

Result: 1640044800000


Trunc({A}, {B})

Limits the number of digits of {A} to {B} number of places.

Input: Trunc(“40.73832”, 2)

Result: 40.73

Week Number

WeekNum({Date}, {FirstWeekDay}, {MinDaysInFirstWeek}, {TimeZone})

Returns the number of the week in the year (that is, n out of 52 weeks in the year).

  • Date - (Date) Date input field.

  • FirstWeekDay - (Number) The first day in the week (1 = Sun, 2 = Mon, 3 = Tuesday, and so on).

  • MinDaysInFirstWeek - (Number) The minimum number of days required for the first week of the year to be counted. For example, if you want to only count the first full week, use a value of 7. Alternatively, if the first day of the year is Saturday and you want to count that as a week, use value 1. Default value is 1.

  • Zone - (String) The timezone. Default value is UTC.

Input: WeekNum("17 Jun 2022", 2, 1, "UTC")

Result: 25