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Custom Interface Widgets

Below is a comprehensive list of custom item interface widgets.


Widgets are pre-built, self-contained units that serve a specific function in your interface. In many cases, this function is to display a particular group of fields, but widgets can also enable users to initiate module actions, leave comments, or view embedded content using the interface.





Add any fields that exist in a module to your interface. You can configure these fields to be editable by all or specific users, or to be read-only.


Add a comment box to your interface that enables any user with access to the interface to leave comments on the item. Users receive a notification when comments are added if they're the item creator or if they're mentioned directly.


Add an item timeline to your interface that allows users to track the item over time.


Add various status-related fields to your interface, including Status, Due Date, and Next Module Ping. Use this widget to highlight the most important fields that capture the status of your items.


Add any actions that exist in your module as buttons in your interface. Use this widget to enable users to activate specific portions of your module workflow such as submitting an update form.

Inner Items

Add a display of any inner items contained within the parent item. Use this widget to display and allow users to edit existing information, or review information already collected.

This widget provides two display modes: Table is designed for desktop and Cards is designed for mobile and tablet. We recommend setting Display mode to Auto in most cases.

Detailed Items

Add a display of an item and any inner items it contains. Use this widget to enable users to add inner items and update items in a custom interface.

Line Items

Add detailed line items that roll up to a parent request. Use this widget to capture detailed information about an invoice, purchase request, or similar item.

Process Mapper

Add a process map that outlines your process, including responsive conditions. Use this widget to provide requesters with the status of their request in the larger process.


Represent a numeric field value, including global fields, over time. Use this widget to visually represent important fields over time, providing valuable insight into your workflow.

Rich Text

Add read-only text to your interface using a rich text editor. Use this widget to add an interface description or special instructions for key process contributors.


Add an image and image alt text. Use this widget to add important static images that provide important content or visually display item information.

The maximum file size is 5MB and the supported file types are JPG, JPEG, and PNG.


Embed a wide range of content using a view-only iframe. Use this widget to add virtually any content that can be embedded, including Google Slides, Youtube videos, Google Maps, PDFs, and even other websites.

While most media can be embedded using a direct link, some applications require a certain process to generate an embedded link (for example, embedding content from the Google Suite requires publishing that file to the internet). Refer to the relevant documentation for your application or media type.

Interface Embed

Embed another interface from the same module or a different module in the same solution. Use this widget to create a combined or unified interface using interfaces from a solution using a modular design. For example, if your intake sequence features several related interfaces spread through one or more modules and you want to create a centralized interface at the end of the sequence for review purposes, the Interface Embed widget allows you to bring all those interfaces together in a single view.


Add a separator to create sections in your interface, organizing and simplifying the user experience.

Status Progress Bar

Add a visual representation of an item's status as it moves through a process.

Input Types

Input types are specialized widgets for gathering user information. You can build form flows using any combination of input type widgets to create a dynamic experience that responds to a user's inputs.





Gather text input. Use this widget to gather free text from a user. Make the field optional or required, including custom field validation.


Gather a numerical input. Use this widget to gather a number value from a user, such as quantities, ID numbers, and other important numerical data. Make the field optional or required, including custom field validation.


Gather a date input. Use this widget to gather important date values such as contract deadlines and renewal dates. Make the field optional or required, including custom field validation.


Gather input from a dropdown. Use this widget to allow users to select one or more options from a set of predetermined values. Make the field optional or required, including custom field validation.

This widget displays checkboxes if multiple values can be selected and radio buttons for single-select.


Gather files using a direct upload to your connected storage provider. Use this widget to gather important documents for use in your process.


Provide a search bar where results are sourced from a connected data source.


Gather an input from a dropdown list. Use this widget to enable users to select from a predetermined set of options. Make the field optional or required, including custom field validation.

Preconfigured Field Widgets

To simplify the interface-building process, there are preconfigured Fields widgets for each field type, as well as for any matched entity fields in your module.

Fields by Type


Field Widget



Add a preconfigured Fields widget that contains all the manual fields in the module.


Add a preconfigured Fields widget that contains all the basic fields.


Add a preconfigured Fields widget that contains all the formula fields in the module.


Add a preconfigured Fields widget that contains all the aggregation fields in the module.


Add a preconfigured Fields widget that contains all the global fields in the module.

All Fields

Add a preconfigured Fields widget that contains all fields in the module.

Fields By Matched Entity

Each matched entity displays as a widget you can select to add any of the matched entity fields to your interface.
