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Release Notes

Our Release Notes detail the latest features, enhancements, and updates made to Tonkean, compiled monthly.

September 2024

New Features

Solutions Studio


We added several new formulas to Tonkean this month. Read about the new formulas below and get more information in our Reference topic for Strings formulas.

  • Field Groups To Map - This new formula generates a JSON object containing the field and value pairs for a provided field group.

    A field group is a set of fields assigned the same field group name, allowing them to be used collectively for certain operations, like formulas. For more information about adding fields to a field group, see Manual Fields.

  • Get User Name - This new formula returns the full user name for a given user using their email address sourced from a connected communication source (for example, Slack of Teams). If no user name is found, the formula simply returns the email address.

  • Get Value By Key - This new formula returns the value for a provided JSON key.

  • Join Arrays - This new formula joins two arrays into a single array, either maintaining all values or removing any duplicate values.

  • JSON to XML - This new formula converts a string in JSON format to XML format without options for adding a Root Name and a declaration.

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps
  • Display dynamic dropdowns as radio buttons - You can now configure a Dropdown input widget with options that display dynamically (using a matched entity) to display as radio buttons. This update dropdown fields with large numbers of options more scannable, helping users to more easily select options.

  • AI Concierge in embedded interfaces - You can now take advantage of the Interface Embed widget while still giving users access to the AI Concierge. The Interface Embed widget is a powerful tool for reducing overhead and maintenance in your intake sequence while ensuring a consistent experience—now that includes all the benefits of the AI Concierge.


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate the following new data sources with your Tonkean solutions:

  • Beroe LiVE.Ai - Beroe LiVE.Ai is an AI-driven procurement intelligence platform offering real-time insights, supplier risk assessments, and market data to help organizations optimize supply chain decisions and reduce risks.

  • DISCO - DISCO is a cloud-based legal platform that streamlines eDiscovery, case management, and legal document review.

  • Nylas - Nylas is a communications platform offering APIs to integrate email, calendar, and contacts into apps. It simplifies connecting to multiple providers, syncing data, and managing backend tasks like security and compliance.

  • Snowflake - Snowflake is a data storage and cloud computing platform. Snowflake is offered as a new SQL connection to Tonkean.

Additionally, we've enhanced the following data sources:

  • DocuSign - SpringCM is now a part of Docusign. We've added relevant endpoints for SpringCM through the Docusign integration.

  • Google Drive - We've updated the Create Doc/Slide From Template action to support JSON input.

Bug Fixes

We fixed the following issues and bugs:

  • Some users experienced errors when selecting the dropdown field column filter on workspace app pages.

  • Open Interface action buttons were not displaying on the Actions widget.

  • Business groups were only displaying the first 10 group members.

  • The Number format option wasn't providing commas on the Line Items widget.

  • Some users had to select a button twice to activate a module trigger.

  • The conditional disabled state was not working properly for action buttons on interface headers.

  • Custom validation was not working as expected on Number input type widgets.

  • Item data was not loading when navigating between items on a drill-down interface.

  • Some users were unable to manually enter data or time information on a Date input type widget.

  • After changing a trigger to the Button Clicked type, a related match condition was not activating.

  • Some users were unable to configure color options on interface widget quick navigation icons.

August 2024

New Features

Solutions Studio


We've added a new formula, Is In List, which checks whether a specified value is included in a given field (generally a list). If the specified value is included, the formula returns true; if not, it returns false. This formula improves the experience for makers who want to check whether a field contains one or more values during a workflow.

In the example below, the formula checks the Reviewer field and returns true if the field contains Ashley Taylor as a value.

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps
  • Submit button label - You can now customize the submit interface button label, better tailoring it to your intake sequence. This new customization option is helpful for providing requesters with specific information about what action they're taking when selecting the button.

  • Add comment to item on behalf of another user - We've added the ability to add a comment to an item on behalf of another user, allowing you to include comments added from a third-party tool like email or Jira. This update makes it easier to indicate when a comment originates from an external system or user.


Tonkean AI

We've given admins better control over the AI Front Door and the data it has access to by updating the configuration process and enabling admins to expose only specific entities to the Front Door.

Previously, there was a simple toggle that, when enabled, gave the Front Door access to all entities in a given data source—but posed some challenges for teams that work with potentially sensitive data like contracts or personal information. Now, admins can restrict the Front Door's access to only specific data source entities, ensuring that the Front Door cannot share potentially sensitive information. Additionally, admins can create filters to only expose a subset of entities to the Front Door, further restricting access if needed.


For more information about how to configure and customize AI Front Door access see Enable AI Front Door Access to Your Content.

Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate Dell Punchout, the catalog buying experience, with your Tonkean solutions.

Additionally, we've enhanced the following data sources:

  • Coupa - You can now collect the Asset Tags entity.

  • DocuSign - We've added the URL to the Envelope entity.

  • Google Drive - We've added a new action: Get Document Suggested Changes.

  • Oracle - We've added a new action: Cancel Purchase Requisition.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • When deleting an item in the Detailed Items widget, the field validation was not working as expected.

  • The navigation menu was not displaying correctly for some users on drill-down interfaces.

  • Some users were unable to add a new OneDrive integration.

  • Some users were unable to create a share/preview link to a SharePoint location.

  • Thread replies on root monitored items were failing intermittently.

  • Some custom actions were not detecting updates and not saving correctly.

  • When attempting to open a drill-down interface containing an Upload widget, the interface was reverting to the default interface.

  • The option in a dropdown field to display manual "backup" values if no matched entity value is found was not working as expected.

  • Users were unable to select a checkbox option when the option value included commas.

  • Some users were unable to open a matched item interface from the relevant business report.

July 2024

New Features

User Experience

We're excited to announce the release of the Enterprise Copilot, an evolution of Tonkean AI functionality. We've improved and extended the power of the AI Front Door to virtually every part of the platform, supporting users throughout the entire lifecycle of internal requests.

Most notably, we've added the AI Concierge, an LLM-powered assistant that helps requesters by answering questions with context-specific responses, writing content, and generally helping create fully formed and accurate requests. The Concierge is the first line of support for requesters, and if they still need more help, they can reach out to their colleagues by selecting the Collaboration button in the intake sequence.


Here's where your internal users can engage with Tonkean AI:

  • AI Front Door - Field plain-language inquiries over email, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and/or custom portals. Answer common questions, autonomously resolve simple requests, route to the proper form sequences for more complex items, and deflect out-of-policy requests.

  • AI-enhanced intake sequences - Personalized form sequences take user roles and situational signals into account to radically simplify intake, pre-populating fields with data from connected systems across the enterprise tech stack and eliminating steps with dynamic conditional logic.

  • In-line AI Q&A - Autonomously answer questions directly within form sequences using AI, providing responses that consider the stage of the request, the specific fields the requester is working on, and the broader organizational processes and policies.

Wherever requesters are in the process, Tonkean AI is there to guide, answer questions, and connect users with the people who can solve their problems. Here's a quick example of the in-line Q&A experience using the AI Concierge:


To take advantage of all Enterprise Copilot features, contact Tonkean Support or your designated account manager.

Solutions Studio

Module Builder

We've increased the maximum archival period for items, from three to seven years. This update supports customers with requirements for extended audit trails. You can configure module item archival periods in the module settings.

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps
  • Quick link to interface builder from module builder - A new link to the interface builder directly from the module builder makes it easy to make quick edits or updates to the interface you're working on within the module workflow. You can find this Edit interface link interface intake sequence step panels, such as Send Item Interface.

  • Update fields directly in the Update Status action - This enhancement allows you to perform an inline field update in the same way you could previously update the item status. By selecting the Change Fields button (previously the Update Status button), you can update the item status and specify fields to update at that point in the workflow. This new capability makes updating field values at specific points in the workflow much more intuitive and avoids the need for additional dedicated logic.

  • Descriptions for radio button options - In addition to the values set in a dropdown field displayed as radio buttons (in an interface or form), you can now add descriptions for each value. These descriptions display directly below the main value and are included in searches.

    To add descriptions to dropdown field values, simply include the description after the value, wrapped in three back ticks (for example, ```value description```).

  • Set a default column width for the Line Item widget - This update enables users to set default minimum and maximum percentage values for the width of specified field columns in the Line Items widget, ensuring the data in the table is clearly visible.

  • Disable reply in threads in the Comments widget - Users can now disable thread replies in the Comments widget. This update solves the problem of being unable to communicate with an external data source that doesn't support reply threads (like Jira, for example) in the Comments widget. When replies are disabled, all comments are added to the interface as individual messages.

  • Order comments in the Comments widget from oldest to newest - In addition to the default sorting of newest to oldest, users can now sort comments in the Comments widget from oldest to newest, placing the newest comment at the bottom of the widget.

  • New icons - We've added the "Untitled" icons from the Figma library to provide a streamlined, modern option in the icon picker.

Board Management

You can now update the search prompt text on the Tonkean homepage and display a homepage title if not using a homepage cover logo. This update provides users with another level of customization for their homepage.

Note that if you have uploaded a homepage cover logo, the homepage title is disabled.


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate with Cvent, the event planning and management software, with your Tonkean solutions.

Additionally, we've enhanced the following data sources:

  • Amazon S3 - You can now perform a single collect from multiple S3 buckets.

  • Ironclad - You can now collect SCIM users from your Ironclad instance.

  • LawVu - We've added the Status field to the Matter entity.

  • Oracle - We've added the Inventory Organizations and Locations entities.

  • Origami Risk - You can now specify the length of time after which Tonkean collects Origami Risk entities. Contact Tonkean Support to set this up.

  • Sage Intacct - We've added the entities Inventory Transaction Definition and Bin, and the Create an Inventory Transaction action.

  • SharePoint Online - We've added support for index file content for the following file types: DOCX, XLSX, PDF, PPTX, CSV, and TXT.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Some Microsoft Outlook integrations were failing to collect messages without a created time.

  • Data retention settings weren't showing for all entities.

  • Some users were unable to update the text color in an interface.

  • An error was not displaying for comments more than 1,000 characters in the Comments widget.

  • The thank you message at the end of an intake sequence was failing to load.

  • Some users were unable to search for icons when creating a new workspace app page.

  • When changing a trigger type from Wait to Field Changed in the middle of a module workflow, the flow was failing.

June 2024

New Features

Solutions Studio

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps
  • Interface panel view - The new panel layout for interfaces provides a new way to visually separate different levels of information on an interface, such as between the general information of a request and the specific fields to approve or reject that request. This new view is especially useful for review and approval workflows because it allows the reviewer to easily view the details of a request without navigating away from the fields they need to update.

  • Interface tabs - This new interface layout is an extension of the existing progress bar—instead of showing users where they currently are as they scroll through a single screen, the new tab layout separates interface sections into their own tabs. This addition provides the option for a more structured experience and can be helpful on especially long or complex interfaces.

  • Embed Interface widget - This new widget enables users to embed and display one interface in another interface. Use this widget to create a combined or unified interface using interfaces from a solution using a modular design. For example, if your intake sequence features several related interfaces spread through one or more modules and you want to create a centralized interface at the end of the sequence for review purposes, the Interface Embed widget allows you to bring all those interfaces together in a single view.

  • Fields widget table layout and URL format - We've updated the Fields widget to include a new table view that displays a list of fields and values in a clean two-column layout. This new layout streamlines the look of view-only Fields widgets. Additionally, we've also updated the formatting for URLs included in the Fields widget to more clearly indicate a clickable link.

  • Public and private comments - We've updated the Comments widget to add options for public comments shared across multiple interfaces or private messages restricted to only select interfaces. These new options enable users to share messages for processes that span multiple interfaces or opt to keep messages private where needed. To configure this option, enable one or both of the relevant options added to the Comments widget:


    Enable Include comments from all matched items to display comments from other interfaces in the same process; enable Comments will be public to all intake modules to display comments from the current interface in other interfaces in the same process. Note that both options are disabled by default.

    Comments on interfaces within the same module are always visible to and will display in other interfaces in that module.

  • New icons - We've added the "Untitled" icons from the Figma library to provide a streamlined, modern option in the icon picker.

Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate the following new data sources with your Tonkean solutions:

Additionally, we've enhanced the following data sources:

  • Amazon S3 - We added a new action: Generate Signed URL.

  • Gong - We added the spotlight summary to the Call entity.

  • Ironclad - We added a new sub-entity, Workflow Approval Request.

  • nuIT - You can now use nuIT as a file storage provider.

  • Workday - We improved the error messaging for collector failures.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Some users were unable to select a new folder in their Outlook data source.

  • The Rename Folder action in Google Drive data sources was failing.

  • Files missing in a SharePoint integration were causing the data source to fail.

  • Some users were unable to delete an item in the Upload widget.

  • The Call to Action option was not displaying correctly on some workspace apps.

May 2024

New Features

Solutions Studio

Module Builder

Convert image files with the OCR Conversion action - You can now convert JPEG and PNG files to text using the OCR Conversion action. This update supports common contracting use cases where document files are in JPEG and PNG format.


Encode to MD5 - This new formula hashes the input value using the MD5 algorithm.


Formula tooltips - We've added tooltips for formulas. Select the formula chip in the Formula Editor and hover over the information icon, tooltip_gray.png, to view a brief description of the formula.

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps
Collaborative Intake

We're excited to announce the release of Collaborative Intake, a new suite of features that empowers teams to engage stakeholders sooner, better adapt to the needs of each request, and collaborate in real-time. Collaborative Intake is the next step in process collaboration for shared services teams like Procurement and Legal, enabling more proactive engagement and producing higher quality work.


This new functionality includes several core capabilities that transform how internal teams collaborate with requesters and among themselves:

  • Contextual, real-time collaboration - Enable requesters, procurement teams, and stakeholders to collaborate within the context of each specific request, in-line with specific stages of intake workflows, ensuring that all interactions are relevant, targeted, compliant, and actionable. Users can ask questions, create action items, and assign tasks.

  • Omni-channel communication - When tagging a specific person, they can be notified, and then can respond, via Slack, Teams, or email, in addition to within the workflow. Employees get to stay where they're already working.

  • Dynamic workflow adjustment - Allow procurement teams and stakeholders to adapt workflows on the fly, adding tasks, assigning responsibilities, and modifying processes to accommodate the unique needs of each request—all while reinforcing company policy.


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate OneTrust, the Information Technology Risk Management (ITRM) and Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) tool, with your Tonkean solutions.

Additionally, the following data sources have been enhanced:

  • Google Drive - A new action, Create File with Content, was added.

  • Ironclad - You can now configure the entity data retention. Data source authorization was also improved.

  • OpenAI - Batch completions are now supported.

  • ServiceNow - A new entity, Group, was added.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Some conditions were not displaying as expected when configuring interface widget display conditions.

  • In some cases, the interface automatic update/save feature was running slowly, causing input values to be removed immediately after being filled.

  • The data source set up process was failing for some users due to an authentication issue.

  • Data sources created using the no-code data source feature were missing their uploaded icon after being updated.

  • The form processing icon for Slack forms was not displaying correctly.

  • Some users were unable to open dropdown lists in interfaces and workspace apps using the Firefox browser.

April 2024

New Features

Solutions Studio

Module Builder
  • Add action buttons to Rich Text widgets - You can now include action buttons on rich text widgets, enabling users to click into a request, order form, or other submission and edit the values if needed. This option is especially helpful when displaying a summary of a user's request; users can now reopen that request interface and edit values on the fly before submitting, ensuring the correct information is submitted.

    These action buttons work exactly like the buttons you can add to other widgets or to the header.

  • In addition to the values set in a dropdown field, you can now add descriptions for each value. These descriptions display directly below the main value and are included in searches in the dropdown field.

    To add descriptions to dropdown values, simply include the description after the value, wrapped in three back ticks (for example, ```value description```).


    In the example below, if you search for "monitors", the Office equipment and supplies option is returned because the description contains "monitors". To add descriptions to dropdown values, simply include the description after the value, wrapped in three back ticks (for example, ```value description```).

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps
  • Collaborate with comments across multiple modules - The Comments widget now has an option to include comments from all matched items, allowing you to better collaborate in workflows that span multiple modules.

  • Aggregate values in the Detailed Items widget - Rather than create dedicated aggregation fields to process data in the background, we've added the ability to aggregate values in real-time in the Detailed Items widget. Users can now see sums, counts, averages, and other functions performed on aggregated values in an item interface. This feature addresses a common need in procurement use cases to display a running total of line items counts or costs as the user adds and updates line items.

    There are also now aggregation options to show the Min or Max of date values—especially helpful to easily identify the start and end dates of contracts.

  • Minimum and maximum line items in the Detailed Items widget - In the same way you can set minimum and maximum numbers of line items in the Line Items widget, you can now set the same values for the Detailed Items widget.

  • Apply validation to drill-down interfaces - Previously, the validation you configured for the parent item and its interface was not applied to inner items and their drill-down interfaces. Now, those same validation rules from the parent item interface are checked on drill-down interfaces, ensuring that your desired workflow logic and input rules are followed in the sub-processes contained with a larger workflow.

  • Set initial values in the Line Items widget - You can now set initial values for specific fields in the Line Items widget. This new feature improves the requester experience by prepopulating select fields with common or expected values, reducing the number of fields requesters must complete to submit their request.


Board Management

Admins can now add a cover logo to their Tonkean homepage, designating a logo specifically for the homepage while retaining a more generic logo for use elsewhere in the board—for example, in the custom interfaces and workspace apps. Set your homepage cover logo in the Board Settings.

For the best fitment of the homepage cover logo, we recommend using an image with a height of 80px.


The end result is a pleasing and distinct homepage experience:


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate the following new data sources with your Tonkean solutions:

  • LawVu - The in-house legal workspace system. Use this data source to augment your legal workflows.

  • Currency API - The popular exchange rate conversion service.

  • nuIT - The platform-independent solution for metal trim creation, including machine networking and process optimization features.

  • Sage Intacct - The cloud-based ERP system that manages financials, accounting, compliance, procurement, supply chain, automates processes, and has in-depth reporting and business intelligence.

  • SuiteCRM (API 4.1) - The open-source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software solution.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Navigation was not displaying in some item interfaces.

  • Entity collection for Ironclad data sources was not working as expected.

  • In connected SharePoint data sources, some users found that saving the configuration without making any changes was resetting the config back to its default state.

  • When opening an item interface from the AI Front Door, the interface was not populated with values provided by the user through the Front Door.

  • The Business Groups screen was displaying an inconsistent list of group members across different areas of the configuration area.

  • Some action buttons were not having the global theme color correctly applied.

March 2024

New Features

Solutions Studio

Module Builder
  • Interface intake sequences - To give users more options for creating intake experiences and form flows, we have enhanced custom item interfaces to provide a top-notch, user-oriented form experience. Interfaces offer numerous advantages over create and update forms:

    • Dynamic display of widgets, fields, and other information to show users only what they need to see

    • Rich content, including images, file attachments, line items, embedded content, and more

    • Varied input options like rich text and file upload to gather the critical information for your process

    • Conditional field validation to ensure needed inputs are provided (and are accurate)

    • Intake progress tracker to help requesters through the entire intake flow


    Many makers have already discovered the power of interface intake sequences, but previously, if you had an interface sequence in your module, you were still required to begin that sequence with a create form. This is no longer the case. Now, with the addition of the Interface Submitted trigger, you can begin form flows with an item interface.

    The introduction of intake sequences means that interfaces are now the recommended way to create intake form flows in Tonkean. We recommend most users to begin transitioning to interfaces, phasing out conventional create and update forms in their workflows, except in select cases. For more information, see Transition to Interface Forms.

  • Interface Submitted trigger - This new trigger activates when a selected Tonkean interface is submitted by a user. Now, you no longer have to begin sequences with a create form and can create intake sequences and form flows using interfaces exclusively, allowing the rich, dynamic experience that interfaces provide.

    With this new trigger, you can set initial values for select fields, such as assigning values to the basic fields Viewer name or Viewer email, capturing the basic information for the user filling out the interface.

  • Intake sequence logic - Along with the new Interface Submitted trigger and the ability to start intake flows with an interface, we've added several new specialized actions: sequence actions.


    Sequence actions are special actions that are only available within an interface sequence. In this context, a sequence is a trigger and its related series of actions that correspond with a guided experience for the end-user—the most common example being an intake sequence.

    These actions take advantage of some unique qualities and requirements of sequences in Tonkean, such as needing to end a sequence with a "thank you" message or being able to reuse workflow logic by connecting a new Interface Submitted trigger to an existing sequence, enabling you to simplify your workflow and speed up process updates.


Decimal formatting - We've enhanced formatting options for numerical fields (both manual and formula fields), enabling users to specify the number of decimal places to display for the field. This option is designed primarily for currency values, where you always want to display two decimal places, even if the money value is whole.

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps

Use custom interfaces for matched items - You can now display matched items and inner items using custom interfaces instead of the default interface. Plus, those interfaces now display in a modal view over the primary request interface instead of opening up in a new tab.

This enhancement is especially helpful for procurement workflows that feature several sub-processes—for example, if there's a general intake module and separate modules for team-specific reviews from Legal, IT, etc. Those teams can now more easily view dedicated interfaces for these matched items, with direct access back to the original request for full context.

User Management

Admins can now provision user access for Microsoft Azure Government tenants. Support for Azure Government tenants includes Outlook, Excel, SharePoint, and OneDrive.

This option is only available for customers using a single-tenant environment.

For more information about configuring user access for Azure Government tenants, contact your Tonkean account representative.

Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate the following new data sources with your Tonkean solutions:

  • LawVu - The in-house legal workspace system. Use this data source to augment your legal workflows.

  • Ironclad V2 - We've updated the Ironclad data source to "V2", including various improvements to actions and processing efficiency.

    We recommend that new Ironclad users connect to the Ironclad V2 data source instead of the previous version.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • The intake progress tracker skipped a step in select modules.

  • The Equals operator was not working as expected when using True/False values in a formula field.

  • When redirecting from a "thank you" message in a form flow, users received an error instead of the targeted web page.

  • The custom item interface header configuration was not opening when selected.

  • The description for the new Interface Submitted trigger was not displaying for some users.

  • The Line Items widget preview was not displaying properly, and was showing no example items.

  • When selecting an action button that was conditionally displayed on an interface, some users received an error.

  • The Upload Files button displayed with an inconsistent color.

February 2024

New Features

Solutions Studio

Module Builder
  • Environment basic field - We added this new basic field to all modules, enabling you to track whether an item belongs to Build or Production modes. That is, if you have module logic that you only want to run in Build mode or only in Production mode, you can use the Environment field as a conditional check. For example, if you have a notification that's sent whenever a new request is submitted, you can send that notification only to your team members in Build mode but send it to the actual stakeholders in Production. Overall, this new basic field provides a lot of opportunity for added flexibility and conditional logic in your module workflow.

  • Convert JSON Array To String - This new formula converts an array in JSON format to a single string. This formula is useful for converting a JSON array generated by another action or external service into a simple list of values from which you can extract key information or manipulate as needed.

  • Wrap HTML - This new formula adds HTML tags to a provided input, allowing you to dynamically display field values with in-line CSS styling in an Embed widget. A popular use case for this new field is to display an HTML table or ordered list using dynamic values from your module workflow.


Board Management

To provide you with more transparency into usage and related pricing, we've added the option to download a report of all users that were counted as a monthly tracked user (MTU) for a given month. To export a CSV of your MTUs, navigate to the License Plan screen in Board Settings, select the Active Users tab, then select the Export CSV button.


User Management

Admins can now provision users with Ping Identity using SCIM protocol. Once configured, your existing users and user groups in Ping Identity can sign in to Tonkean using their Ping credentials.


Currently, user provisioning using Ping Identity is only available for customers on a single-tenant deployment model due to environment-related configuration requirements.

Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate the following new data sources with your Tonkean solutions:

  • Amazon Business Punchout - The punchout catalog tool integrated with Amazon business services. Use this data source to leverage Amazon Business's own punchout catalog buying experience in your purchasing workflow.

  • CDW Punchout - The punchout catalog tool. Use this data source to connect requesters to your CDW instance through a Tonkean item interface.

  • Dropbox Sign - The e-signature service, formerly HelloSign. Use this data source to sign and request signatures securely, automating yet another manual part of your workflow.

  • Google Vertex AI - The machine learning platform. Use this data source to generate content using Vertex AI models.

  • Thomson Reuters Legal Tracker - The legal matter repository tool. Use this data source to augment your automated legal workflows, including creating invoices and tracking matters.

Additionally, a Create Text/PDF File action was added to the SharePoint Online data source.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • The Upload Files widget appeared empty after turning on the Display viewer's files only toggle.

  • The List widget was not updating values properly.

  • Some users were unable to filter by item Owner in the Line Items widget.

  • In the Rich Text widget, formatting was not being applied to text that contained a dynamic field value.

  • The Intake Progress Tracker was not displaying in the correct sequence when adding an item in the Line Items widget.

  • Some users were able to move to the next step in an interface form flow despite required fields being empty.

January 2024

New Features

Solutions Studio

Module Builder

We've added a brand new condition: Like. This condition has automatically replaced all existing usages of the condition Equal to, and works identically to this previously existing condition.

Any conditions that were previously set to Equal to have been replaced with the new condition Like, but the comparative logic remains unchanged. Your workflows using this condition will continue to function just as they did previously—you do not need to update your condition groups.


Our adding this new condition is a refinement of our logic conditions, providing an option that functions generally the same as a strict equals condition, except with a small amount of flexibility that accounts for a case difference, the presence of a single piece of punctuation like a hyphen or period, and other similar minor differences.

See the examples below to get a sense of these differences:

  • twenty-one is Like twenty one

  • true is Like True

For some values, the difference between the presence of certain punctuation is substantially different from the same value without that punctuation, and the Like condition takes this into account. For example, 71-3 is not Like 713 and will not evaluate to true using the Like condition.

We've found that allowing for this small margin for difference enables users to create precise workflows that are less prone to error when working with manually entered values and system fields whose values can differ slightly, such as letter case in names, for example.

As part of this update, we've revised the Equal to condition to be a strict equals, only evaluating to true when both fields are identical matches. That is, True is not Equal to true. We recommend using this condition when you need identical matches between two values.

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps

We've enhanced custom interfaces and workspace apps with the following updates:

  • Intake sequence progress tracker - We've added a new progress tracker, designed for request intake workflows. This tracker shows requesters each step of the intake process and the step they're currently on.

    This feature takes the guesswork out of the intake flow for requesters, showing them exactly where in the process they are—helping them to prepare for upcoming steps (such as gathering required documents) and be more confident in the process as a whole.


    The progress tracker is configured by updating the item status with a relevant Intake statuses during an intake flow in the module builder. As the requester moves through each form or interface, the updated status is reflected on the progress tracker in the requester experience.

  • Line Items widget - The Line Items widget has been enhanced with in-line actions—most notably the option to delete an item directly on the interface. This update provides users with more control over their file uploads, allowing you to delete files that were uploaded in error.

    Note that deleting items from the interface does not delete the item from your connected file storage provider.

Board Settings | Theme

We've added a new Global Colors feature to the Board Theme, enabling users to add preset colors that are exclusively available for use in the module builder, custom item interfaces, and workspace apps. This feature ensures your process contributor experiences align with your organization's brand identity and remain consistent across the entire business process.

Set global colors for your entire board by navigating to the Theme page in your Board Settings. There, you can add, edit, or remove colors and preview how those colors will display in your workspace app, interface, and form experiences.


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate the following new data sources with your Tonkean solutions:

  • Adobe PDF - The PDF creation and management tool. Use this data source to generate, export, auto-tag, and generally manipulate PDFs as part of your module workflow.

  • Conga CLM - The end-to-end contract lifecycle management solution. Use this data source to create, negotiate, and execute contracts as part of your module workflow.

Additionally, a Create Text/PDF File action was added to the SharePoint Online data source.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • When installing a module template from the Component Library, the dropdown to select relevant data sources displayed deleted data sources.

  • Workday Strategic Sourcing data sources were failing to collect Projects, due in part to a pagination error.

  • On some interfaces that included a Status Progress Bar widget oriented vertically, scrolling was disabled.

  • Deleting a form caused a client error for some users.

  • Attempting to open an interface from a Line Items widget resulted in the interface getting stuck loading.

  • The example item designed to aid in module customization and configuration was not displaying correctly, causing unexpected behavior for some users.

December 2023

New Features

Solutions Studio

Module Builder

We've updated the module builder with the following enhancements:

  • Intake statuses - We've overhauled the Status functionality in Tonkean, separating statuses into two categories: Intake and Triage & Coordination. Previously existing default statuses are now housed within the Triage & Coordination category and continue to work as they always have, while new Intake statuses are unique in that they don't activate business logic by default.

    Intake statuses are designed to be applied to requests that are still in the intake phase and have not been submitted yet, preventing them from entering your automated workflow to be processed by your module triggers and actions. Intake statuses are especially useful for tracking a request through an intake sequence, especially if that sequence has several pronounced stages.

    Statuses must be included in the Triage & Coordination section to be processed by your module logic.

  • Thank you page redirect configuration - We've enhanced the When Form Answered action with additional configuration options for the "thank you" message displayed after a form has been submitted. Now, you can include a personalized button to redirect users to a specific URL or item interface. For example, rather than display the link itself, you can include a custom button that reads "Return to the Request Portal". These enhancements help provide clearer guidance to requesters with a streamlined experience.

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps

We've enhanced custom interfaces and workspace apps with the following updates:

  • Detailed Items widget - This new widget provides a detailed view of an item from a list, ideal for showing additional fields for inner items that might not fit inside the Line Items widget table. It also allows for more robust and flexible creation of inner items by leveraging new capabilities (for example, adding attachments to inner items) or widget display conditions for custom business logic.

  • Line Items widget - Date range validation has been added to the Line Items widget, enabling you to restrict user input and ensure date information coming into your process is correct. Additionally, you can now use the Concatenate formula to combine text in the Line Items widget. This enhancement provides additional flexibility for dynamically displaying field values and simplifying the experience for the end user.

  • Dropdown options from a data source - In addition to values from your own fields, you can now include options in your dropdowns from connected data sources. This is a powerful new feature for procurement use cases where requesters are often selecting items from predetermined catalogs brought in from third-party applications like Coupa.

  • Icon colors and transparent backgrounds - You can now customize the color and select a transparent background for your widget icons, providing even more options to align your workspace app page or item interface with your branding.


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate the following new data sources with your Tonkean solutions:

  • Google AI - Build with any of Google's supported models, including Gemini and other powerful AI tools.

  • Mistral AI - The open-source platform for generative AI models.

  • Sensible - The document parser tool, including auto-complete, responsive document preview, and document markup features.

  • Workday Strategic Sourcing - The supplier data collection platform with workflow automation and intelligent data capture.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • User source settings in Board Settings were not saving correctly when switching between Manual and Identity Provider options.

November 2023

New Features

Solutions Studio

Module Builder
  • Concatenate With Line Breaks - This new formula works in exactly the same way as a conventional Concatenate, but with added line breaks in between each value.

  • HMAC SHA-256 Encryption - We added a new Encoding Type parameter to this formula, allowing you to specify whether you want to use 16 or 64-bit encryption. The default encoding type is None, where the hashed SHA 256 string is returned.

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps

We've enhanced custom interfaces and workspace apps with the following updates:

  • Set Action button display and disabled states - You can now specify conditions that determine when a button in the Actions widget or at the top of an interface is hidden or disabled. This update enables you to display buttons based on the context of your workflow, showing only the relevant actions to the user and making it clearer which actions they're able to perform.

  • Widget width configuration - Rather than a simple Full and Half width values, you now have greater control over the display width for widgets. This enhancement makes possible richer and more customized layouts that better serve your unique workflow. For example, you can now display a large preview of an image and include an in-line description.

  • On load actions - You now have the option to initiate an action in your workflow immediately upon loading an interface, using the new On Load Actions feature. This feature is helpful if your interface or app page includes embedded or linked content that requires regular refreshing.


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

Users can now integrate the OnSolve data source with their Tonkean solutions.

Additionally, the Coupa data source has been enhanced with the following updates:

  • New entities - Content Groups, Content Types, Unit of Measure, Requisition Line, Period and Accounts

  • New data source actions - Add Comment and Submit Contract for Approval

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Gong integrations were failing to collect the Call entity when the call's participant object was missing.

  • Some users were unable to open the Rich Text widget configuration panel after setting the widget title to too few characters.

  • The search field in the Actions widget was not filtering results properly.

  • In no-code data sources, attempting to delete a query param from the middle of the list deleted the last param in the list.

  • The Array Index Of formula was not working properly when wrapped by a Map formula.

  • The Comments widget was not wrapping text, creating a horizontal scroll for long comments.

October 2023

New Features

Solutions Studio

Module Builder
  • Set Tonkean as the updater - For the Update Field and Assign Owner actions, we've added a new value for the Updater configuration. In addition to dynamically setting the updater to the relevant user, you can assign Tonkean as the updater.

    This option is designed for workflows in which the relevant field or owner is automatically updated as part of the business logic, rather than being manually updated by a specific person. Now, it's clearer when a value is being updated by Tonkean or by a specific process contributor.

  • Bring in dropdown field options from a matched entity - In addition to manually adding dropdown field options, you can now bring in options from a connected data source through a matched entity. This improvement makes it possible to unify a source-of-truth integration with a question field to automatically provide the right options.

    For example, if you're building a form flow for a purchasing experience, you can bring in catalog options from a connected supplier integration like SAP or Coupa to automatically populate a form question with options from that catalog. You still have the ability to manually add options, enabling you to include a default or backup response if no matched entities are returned.


We added the following formulas:

  • Convert Inner Items to Array - Iterates over inner items in a module workflow and creates a key-value pair for each inner item, allowing requests with multiple line items or other embedded objects to be easily mapped into a single array. You can add multiple key-value pairs for each inner item.

    This formula is only available in the module builder; you cannot use this formula in the formula builder, independent of inner item logic.

  • Convert Object to Keyed Array - Reformats JSON objects that are not in an array into a JSON array and replaces the root key with "tonkean_original_key": "{keyValue}", providing an array that's easier to parse and extract data from for use in your module workflow.

    The main use case for this formula is handling API responses in JSON format, where this formula enables you to more easily iterate on records returned in non-array responses.

  • Filter Array Of Objects With Empty Field - Filters from arrays any objects that contain empty fields (that is, objects that have a key but no value), to create cleaner, more consistent data. This formula is often wrapped around Convert Inner Items to Array, removing unneeded or unlike data types from an otherwise homogeneous array.

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps

We've enhanced the widgets below:

  • Line Item - You can now add date validation to the Line Item widget, requiring requesters to complete date fields, such as "Due Date."

  • File Upload - You can now specify a minimum number of files required to be uploaded. This is helpful if your process requires a specific set of documents at a particular step, this validation confirms that required number is uploaded on the interface.

Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

Users can now integrate the Clearlaw data source with their Tonkean solutions.

Additionally, the following data sources have been enhanced:

  • Monday - The Location field type has been added.

  • NetSuite - You can now attach .MSG files in your connected NetSuite data source action.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Some users weren't able to create a new no-code data source entity that shared a name with a previously created entity.

  • In the Timeline widget, Tonkean was listed as the status updater, regardless of who updated the status.

  • Data source actions were creating matched entities with the name of the action that created them.

September 2023

New Features

User Management

Guest Users

To help extend the benefits of your Tonkean workflow to more users in your business process, you can now add guest users to your board. Guest users are users outside your organization that participate in your internal business processes. Guest users may be, for example, working as a consultant or providing a third-party assessment of your process. Their role in your workflow is minor and may in many cases be temporary.


Guest users are marked as "Guest" in people picker fields.

Guest users have limited access to Tonkean and can view only items for which they are the owner or contributor. They cannot create root items but can update or contribute to root items created by internal users. For example, a guest user cannot complete a create form, as this creates a root item, but they can complete update forms to edit an existing root item or create various inner items. Similarly, guest users cannot access the Solutions Studio or module builder and can only view items published to Production.

Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

Users can now integrate the Azure Form Recognizer data source with their Tonkean solutions.

Additionally, the following data sources have been enhanced:

  • Coupa - You can now collect Catalog Items. Additionally, we added a new Search action, enabling users to search for specific catalog items and make a purchase from a supplier.

  • SFTP - We added a new action, Move File, which allows users to move an uploaded file to a folder other than the one it was uploaded to. Also, users can now monitor only the specified folder, excluding its sub-folders.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Gong data source actions were failing due to an API update.

  • Some Miuros data sources were failing to collect forms as expected due to an API issue.

  • Guest users were unable to view the process map widget on item interfaces.

  • Some users were unable to navigate to Slack channels created by the Create Channel action.

  • Newly-created Line Item widgets were pre-populated with an empty first row.

August 2023

New Features

Solutions Studio

Module Builder
  • A brand new addition to the module builder, the Process Mapper allows you to build a detailed, responsive map of your entire business process. Process maps are reactive flowcharts with built-in conditions that determine when a process step is In Progress, On Hold, or Complete. As those conditions are met, the process map updates in real-time, updating the icon on the relevant step with the appropriate icon.

    You can also add custom conditions that are unique to your process.

    Process maps combine the responsiveness and visibility of the Status widget with the ease of the solution Process Map to create a powerful new tool that clearly illustrates your workflow at the module level. When included on a custom item interface, process maps provide the ideal way for requesters to track their requests and even update relevant fields to update the map.

  • Button Clicked trigger - We've added a new trigger, Button Clicked, which allows you to activate workflow logic directly with a dedicated button in a custom item interface or workspace app. Instead of simply opening a form, you can configure an Actions widget that empowers requesters to act directly on a given item—giving requesters a more direct and immediate way to update a request and move a process forward.


    To configure an action with the Button Clicked trigger, simply navigate to the relevant item interface and add an Actions widget. You can then select the Button Clicked trigger in your module, customize the button label, and even set a disabled state condition.

    One common use case for the Button Clicked trigger is using it to enable requesters to open a custom interface form. See Send an Interface Form using the Button Clicked Trigger for the setup steps.


We've updated the Date Diff formula to allow users to return a negative number as a result. The default response remains an absolute number.

Custom Item Interfaces & Workspace Apps

We've added three new widgets that improve the experience for makers and requesters:

  • Upload - The Upload widget enables users to upload files to your configured storage provider. Rather than provide a file upload as a separate step, you can now include it directly in the interface, drastically improving the experience of uploading the files that are critical to your business process, whether it's a purchase order in a procurement workflow or a contract in a legal workflow, and so on.

  • Process Mapper - The Process Mapper widget allows you to display a module process map, providing a clearer understanding to requesters and other stakeholders. Simply select the relevant process map you created in the module builder. Displaying process maps helps requesters track the status of their request in real-time.

  • Line Items - The Line Items widget enables requesters to input detailed invoice line items, or similar line item objects, into an interface. Requesters can add lines one by one, filling in fields you configure in the interface builderto ensure all the details are collected. An aggregate row at the bottom of the widget displays sum totals of relevant values for all line items.


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

Users can now integrate the Azure Form Recognizer data source with their Tonkean solutions.

Additionally, the following data sources have been enhanced:

  • Ariba - You can now collect Catalog Items in your Ariba data source. Additionally, data actions Create Requisition and Create Supplier, were added.

  • AWS Textract - A new data action, Analyze Invoice, allows you to extract fields from an invoice.

  • Coupa - You can now collect Requisitions and Invoices. Additionally, the following data actions were added:

    • Add Line Item to Requisition

    • Create/Update Requisition

    • Submit Requisition for Approval

    • Update Invoice

  • Confluence - You can now collect the content of pages, in addition to basic page information.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Newly-created widgets could not be moved to the top of an item interface.

  • The Item is Added trigger was not activating as expected for inner items, resulting in inner item fields not being updated.

  • Some Collect Inner Items forms were not generating a workflow run when activated by an Action widget.

  • Some users received an error when using a Jira data action to add an attachment to an existing issue.

  • The Sort by field value could not be cleared in the interface builder.

  • Some users were unable to expand inner items on interfaces that were part of a sequence.

July 2023

New Features

Solutions Studio

Workspace Apps & Custom Item Interfaces
Custom Item Interface Forms

With the addition of the new input type widgets, you can build form experiences using custom item interfaces. Use these input widgets to create forms that store values in the existing fields in your module when filled. And, like other widgets, you can configure input widgets to display dynamically, creating a responsive and streamlined requester experience.

Build form experiences using the intuitive interface builder:


Empower requesters to self-serve with streamlined, responsive forms:


Additionally, we added RegEx-powered field validation to ensure requesters are entering the correct values. This validation helps to avoid errors and eliminate manual checks on field values. You can use preset validations, such as checking that the value's a valid email or phone number, or create custom validation using RegEx.

Call to Action Button

You can add a new call to action button directly to a workspace app or custom item interface, directing requesters to take the relevant action in your process, whether that's submitting a new request or kickstarting another sub-process in your workflow. With color customization and a button label override, you can configure the button without changing the underlying action or trigger in your module.


Board Management

You can now set a board-level default theme, including your company logo and primary color, to ensure a consistent look and feel across all your Tonkean solutions. When enabled, users are unable to edit the theme on workspace apps and custom item interfaces.

To enable your board default theme, select your profile icon in the upper right, navigate to Board Settings > Theme, then turn on the Enable toggle.

We recommend uploading a company logo with a transparent background to ensure it works with various theme colors.


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

You can now integrate the following new data sources with your Tonkean solutions:

  • Aha - The product roadmap tool, enabling users to create roadmaps, capture ideas, and manage product delivery.

  • Ariba - The industry-leading SAP spend management platform.

  • Trelica - The SaaS automation and management tool, empowering users to manage and optimize their SaaS spend.

  • Zluri - The cloud-native SaaS Ops platform providing SaaS management and identity governance.

  • Zylo - The SaaS spend and management tool, empowering users to improve the employee experience.

The following data sources have been enhanced:

  • Coupa - We added a new data action, Create/Update Supplier.

  • Excel Online - We added a new data action, Create New Row, allowing you to append a row to an existing table.

  • Google Drive - We added support for Microsoft Office file types in the Create Doc From Template action.

  • Intercom - The integration is now using the latest Intercom API version 2.9.

  • IronClad - We added a new data action, Collect Comments.

  • SFTP - You can now collect files using the SFTP data source.

  • SharePoint - Invalid characters are now automatically removed when creating a new folder.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • DocuSign - The Create Envelope with Tabs action was failing.

  • The Assign Owner action was failing when users entered a case-sensitive email address.

  • Some users were able to monitor thread messages for only a limited time instead of indefinitely.

  • Mention notifications (@user) were sent for regular comments in the Comments widget.

  • Global fields weren't refreshing automatically for some users.

  • Some Field Changed triggers were not activated when the relevant field was updated in an item interface.

  • For some users, the scheduled report preview was failing.

  • On workspace apps and item interfaces, the Inner Items widget returned incorrect results when item filter contained an ampersand, "&", and a space.

  • Some module templates downloaded from the Component Library displayed widgets without the default Title field.

  • When selecting an item from a web form dropdown, the selection was not overwriting manually-entered text.

  • Custom theme options displayed correctly in workspace apps but not in custom item interfaces.

June 2023

New Features

Solutions Studio

Workspace Apps & Custom Item Interfaces
  • We've improved the widget Enable Display Conditions option with a new field, Condition Evaluation Method. You can now set display conditions to evaluate continuously, allowing you to build interfaces that progressively display widgets as they're filled in and submitted.

    This new capability means you can build a dynamic intake experience that asks a requester the specific questions relevant to them, based on their previous answers and other conditions. For example, if you have an intake sequence for handling new purchase requests, you can dynamically ask for vendor information depending on whether the purchase is with a new or established vendor—effectively streamlining the experience for the requester and ensuring you get all the information you need for your business process.

    When the Condition Evaluation Method is set to Evaluate Continuously, Tonkean evaluates widget conditions every time there's a change in state on the interface—that is, whenever a user submits information.

  • You can now mention someone in the Comments widget, sending them a notification email with information about the item you tagged them on. Keep your colleagues in the loop or bring in outside help to resolve important requests by entering "@" and selecting the desired person from the dropdown list.


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

Users can now integrate the following new data sources with their Tonkean solutions:

  • ElevenLabs - The text-to-speech cloning software.

  • Google Chat - The team communication and collaboration app.

  • Google PaLM - The generative AI model, specifically the text-bison-001 model.

    This API is in Beta.

The following data sources have been enhanced:

  • DocuSign - We've added support for an offset position to field anchors, allowing you to more easily handle documents without a fixed layout or format. Additionally, the Add Recipients to Envelope action now supports adding multiple recipients on a single line.

  • Google Drive - You can now enable Tonkean to collect the contents of Microsoft files (DOCX, PPTX, XLSX) within Google Drive folders, allowing Tonkean AI to use these files as context to answer questions and initiate processes.

  • IronClad - You can now collect the User entity. Additionally, a new action, Add Comment, was added.

  • NetSuite - You can now collect Account and Currency entities. Additionally, a new action, Attach File to PO, was added.

  • ServiceNow - You can now collect Project and Task entities.

  • SharePoint - We added a new action, Create Doc From Template.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • SharePoint - Users were unable to sync the list items contained with SharePoint lists (folders).

  • DocuSign - Some users were unable to upload PDF files. Also, the Parameters field was not displaying as expected.

  • Some users were unable to collect the Group entity in their Google Groups integration.

  • The unique identifier for Microsoft Excel 365 data source records could not be edited.

  • The option to skip upload files in an upload file form was not working as expected.

  • Field validation to enable only item owners to update a field was not working, allowing other users to update a given field.

  • Some users were unable to update a status using the Email from Field option.

  • Setting an action's Updater to the email of the item creator resulted in Tonkean displaying as the updater instead.

  • The selected Order by value for a scheduled report was not saving.

May 2023

New Features

Solutions Studio

Workspace Apps & Custom Item Interfaces

We've added an Enable Display Conditions option to widgets in workspace apps and custom item interfaces, allowing you to dynamically display a widget when certain conditions are met.

This option enables you to create an item interface that dynamically reflects the state of a request. That is, different types of requests in the same module can have entirely different fields that are specific to that type. You can also create interfaces that change throughout the workflow. For example, you might have a purchase request flow that includes a Fields widget where you fill in the product link and cost. Once the request is submitted, the item interface could display the Status Progress Bar widget, which was hidden until the request was submitted.

Enable Display Conditions empowers you to create more intuitive, customized experiences for requesters that don't distract them with irrelevant information—they get the content they need when they need it.


Enterprise Components

Native Data Sources

Users can now integrate the following new data sources with their Tonkean solutions:

  • Azure OpenAI - A new service that combines OpenAI's large language models with Microsoft's Azure platform.

  • Fivetran - The automated data movement platform.

  • FreecurrencyAPI - The free currency exchange rate conversion API.

  • ServiceDesk Plus - The help desk and asset management software.

The following data sources have been enhanced:

  • DocuSign - Users can now collect envelope recipients.

  • Email Inbox Intake - The native email inbox data source now tracks email replies to provide the context of the entire thread in your workflow.

  • Jira - The Upload Attachment action was added.

  • NetSuite - Users can now collect additional vendor information.

  • SharePoint - An eTag field was added for File and List entities.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Some users were unable to select the Or option for the Match Conditions trigger when following the creation of inner items.

  • Forms that followed a previous form were incorrectly overwriting the values from previous form fields.

  • External fields were duplicated by a Collect Inner Items form that updated an inner item.

  • Some users were unable to delete fields that were previously used in an action block.

  • Items could not be refreshed on inner item aggregation fields.

  • The Cancel button wasn't working on the Set Up Data Source window.

April 2023

New Features

Solutions Studio

Module Builder

Inner item update - As part of the updated module builder design (announced in January) that better highlights the role of the individual item in the Tonkean workflow, we've now included inner items in this new experience.

Traditionally, makers often built monolithic workflows, where the business logic of multiple subprocesses was over-engineered into a single module. This requires the use of complex inner items and makes it difficult to understand the relevant context. In most cases, these inner items are unique requests in their own right and deserve their own dedicated logic and monitoring.

To improve the experience of building and monitoring these subprocesses, inner items created in a parent module are now moved to a separate dedicated module. For example, if you have a module that handles the general intake for procurement requests, you may have a subprocess when a request requires special manager approval. You can create an inner item to handle this subprocess and add that inner item to its own module in the solution.

Notice the new inner item tile and the link icon in the Process in another module action block, where you can navigate directly to the separate module.


As part of this update, the Create Sub Items action has been renamed Create Inner Items.

Sunsetting the Contains condition - The Contains condition is no longer available for use in new formulas, training sets, and matched entities. All existing workflows using the condition will continue to be supported and function normally, except with stricter matching logic. For example, prior to the update, the Contains conditions with an input of "he" would match with "hello" and "hey", but no longer register as matches. Instead, only strings with those exact letters in isolation register as a match. That is, "he 1" is a match, but "hem" is not.

In place of Contains, we recommend using the Match condition and setting the Level to Exact. The matching logic between Contains and Match set to Exact is identical.

Custom Item Interfaces

You can now rearrange the fields in a custom item interface using new arrows, simplifying the customization experience.


User Management

Instant access provisioning is now available without domain management, enabling process contributors to access forms without needing prior registration.

Enterprise Components

Training Sets

Three new Extraction Rules have been added to more easily locate and extract target data from a file or text body:

  • Take [X] Words From End - Extract a specified number of words from the end of the text.

  • Take [X] Lines From End - Extract a specified number of lines from the end of the text.

  • Take First Word of Type {Number} From End - Extract the first numeral from the end of the text.

Native Data Sources

Users can now integrate the following new data sources with their Tonkean solutions:

  • Anthropic - The AI safety and research lab.

  • AWS Textract - Amazon's machine learning service.

  • CaptivateIQ - The sales commission management software.

  • Docebo - The AI-based enterprise learning management platform.

  • Jira Service Management - Atlassian's Jira service desk tool.

  • Kallidus (formerly Sapling) - The people operations platform.

  • Pingdom - The website performance and availability monitoring service.

  • Whistic - The vendor assessment and document-sharing automation platform.

The following data sources have been enhanced:

  • Excel 365 - The sheet selection filter has been improved.

  • IronClad - You can now collect active workflows in addition to completed workflows.

  • NetSuite - The Create Purchase Order action was added. Collectors for region, department, and item were also added.

  • SharePoint - The Create PDF action was added. Additionally, support for merging more than two PDF files was added.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • Users were unable to sign in with their Okta subdomain.

  • New users created in connected Azure instances were created in Tonkean without roles.

  • Some users were unable to open custom interface dropdowns in Firefox.

  • Some File Upload actions copied from other actions were not working properly.

  • Users were unable to connect to the Facebook Lead Ads data source.

  • Two fields with identical names in the same action block could not be updated.

  • Some inline status updates leveraging button action types were failing.

  • Users were able to delete a storage provider integration without the appropriate validation that the provider was not being used by a form.