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Send Item Interface

The Send Item Interface action defines a message sent to a specified user about the current module item in a custom item interface. Use this action to send an update regarding the module item to a user, group of users, or an entire messaging channel (in Slack or Microsoft Teams, for example) using a custom interface.


Name the Action Block

Select the action title or the edit icon, blue_edit_pencil.png, and provide a descriptive title for the action.

Turn Action Block On or Off

By default, action blocks are enabled and turned on. Select the toggle in the top right of the action panel to disable or turn it off.

When building a module, remember you can toggle actions on and off rather than deleting them.


Who should Tonkean module ask?

Select Business Groups to choose users from within your organization or Custom to specify custom recipients.

Business Groups

Business groups are collections of users that participate in business processes and perform a specific function.


Select the insert field button, insert_field.png, to select from existing business groups:


Select whether to send the message as a group message, as defined on the Group communication method screen, or as a direct message to each individual member of the business group:




  • Flow item's owner - The owner of the item in the workflow, which corresponds to the the basic field Owner. To set a value for the Owner field, add an Assign Owner action block earlier in the workflow or add a value manually by navigating to Business Reports > [Module Name], select the Owner column, and select Default Settings.

  • Specific people - Any person authenticated within Tonkean in your organization. This field allows one to many people. Select the field to see a list of available people or begin typing and the field will autofill suggestions.


    If you select a Slack or Microsoft Teams communication tool, you have the option to Reply in Thread, where the message is sent as a reply to an existing thread instead of as a new message.

  • Email from field - Retrieve a person from a specified data source, form field, or other locations. Begin typing and the field will autofill suggestions or select the Insert Field button, insert_field.png, to select current fields, matched entities, flow items fields, or formula fields.


    If you select a Slack or Microsoft Teams communication tool, you have the option to Reply in Thread, where the message is sent as a reply to an existing thread instead of as a new message.


  • Public - Select from all available channels in the selected communication tool (for example, all the public channels in a Slack or Teams workspace). In order for this option to be available, configure the permissions accordingly for the application by selecting your User Icon and navigating to Board Settings > Data Sources.

  • Private - Select from any private channels you're a member of in the selected communication tool. Enter the name of the private channel and then select the Check button.

    You don't need to include the hashtag, "#". It's automatically added to the field.


    If you select a Slack or Microsoft Teams communication tool, you have the option to Reply in Thread, where the message is sent as a reply to an existing thread instead of as a new message. This option is not available when sending the message as an email.

  • Custom - Select a channel (public or private) that corresponds with an existing custom field.


    If you select a Slack or Microsoft Teams communication tool, you have the option to Reply in Thread, where the message is sent as a reply to an existing thread instead of as a new message. This option is not available when sending the message as an email.

Text message

Add information to help clarify the purpose for contacting the individual or group. Type into the field for short messages or hover over the field to display the Editor tab.

HTML is only accepted for email messages due to limitations in Slack and Microsoft Teams. Markdown is valid for all communication methods.


Select this tab to open the Edit HTML Content rich text editor.


In addition to rich text, select the Insert field button, insert_field.png, to include current fields, matched entities, flow items fields, or formula fields.

Select the tooltip icon, tooltip.png, to see Markdown formatting information.


Select the dropdown and search for the interface you want to send, or select the arrow to display a list of available interfaces.


Monitor thread messages

Turn on the Monitor thread messages toggle to keep track of all the replies in this thread. Turning on this toggle creates a new "New message on Thread" block in the workflow.


Common use cases for this function include collecting all the responses to a question and storing them for logging or audit purposes, sending attachments in users' replies to a connected data source (Google Drive, Dropbox), or leveraging NLP to listen for particular phrases and then take specified actions in response to those phrases.

Select the Select data storage dropdown to choose a storage location for any attachments that are received from replies within this thread.